This project aims to observe, and understand the performances of everyday life and how these often unnoticed or unexamined performances structure spatial experiences. This happens on a large and small scale, in the city, at work, during dinner, as a shared or individual experience. Underlying these are the personal and collective behaviors that we undertake, informally or formally through everyday rituals. Initial explorations into the performance of ritual and the relationship of this performance to space will inform strategies for mapping, documenting, and designing a 1:1 experimental spatial ‘dining’ experience.
This Entree dining experience initially looks to the fundamental cultural practice of sharing food pertinent to entrees as well as the act of consumption and its relation to how we consume media collectively as individuals. We have simulated a similar experience to the habitual dining context through the separation of the diners by a wearable visor to individually experience the meal as a collective. This invokes how we interact with the media independently through screens such as phones and yet are collectively participating on the same platform aware of one another's non-presence. Furthermore, the interaction that takes place on this platform is one of overstimulation and constant consumption of information that is often difficult to digest as we alternate between information and distraction. We address this by playing a video during the dining sequence and having servers constantly serve food overwhelming the diner mimicking this virtual experience in a physical ritual context.